Pacasmayo Peru 2024

15 08.2024
Am Finaltag des Peru World Cup 2024 wurde die längste surfbare Welle der Unified World Wave Tour gefahren. Die Gewinner sind Maria Andres (Spanien) und Camille Juban (FRA).
Maria Andres (Spanien) meisterte die sanften Surfbedingungen mit Leichtigkeit, wählte tolle Sets und verband mehrere Turns und Floater, um einige der längsten und eindrucksvollsten Rides des Finales zu erzielen. Andrés fand drei Schlüsselwellen und die besten beiden sicherten ihr eine fast exzellente Gesamtpunktzahl von 15,20 und damit einen sicheren Sieg. Nach einem 3. Platz im Jahr 2022 und einem Sieg im Jahr 2019 hier in Pacasmayo war dies ein süßer und hart erkämpfter Sieg für die Spanierin. Durch den Sieg rückt Andrés auf Platz 5 der Weltrangliste vor und ist in Schlagdistanz zum Podium des Gesamtweltcups.

The number one Women’s seed coming into the Peru World Cup, France’s Sarah Hauser, read her finals waves superbly and showcased trademark tight turns right in the pocket. Hauser didn’t connect quite as many critical turns as Andrés and that was the difference between the two on the day. Towards the end of heat, Hauser managed to find a long peeling beauty that she rode well into ‘middles’ for a 7.27 and cemented her second place. The second place here in Peru holds Hauser in 4th place overall and still in close contact with the top riders and definitely in contention for the overall World Title race.

Australia’s Jane Seman had a rough start to the heat but regained some of her lost ground when she managed to pick up a wide set wave and connect multiple snaps in the pocket and two lip line hits to get herself back into contention with a 6.93. As good sets rolled in towards the end of heat, Seman was a little too inside and had to settle for a medium size wave, where she squeezed in multiple turns to secure third place.

Another Australian, Fifteen year-old Sarah Kenyon had ridden well all competition to make her way into the Women’s final. Kenyon is part of a new wave of young Australian riders who are starting to stake their claim to be amongst the best in the world. She won the Pro Junior and Junior finals at Peru against a mixed fleet of boys and girls.

Pacasmayo Classic 2024 Pro Women results:

1. Maria Andres (ESP)
2. Sarah Hauser (FRA)
3. Jane Seman (AUS)
4. Sarah Kenyon (AUS)

The Men’s final was extremely close with all riders reaching double figure scores. Guadeloupe’s Antoine Martin started strongly with an epic 9.10 ride that nailed a high risk ‘taka’ 360 maneuver early on, followed by aerials, floaters and power snaps tight in the pocket. Lightweight Camille Juban, also from Guadeloupe, answered back with an 8.4 that included an insanely high and tweaked aerial, a one handed top turn and impressively fast and full vertical snaps in the pocket all of which impressed the judges despite the wave being a little smaller than Martin’s best scoring ride. Juban further built his score with a super long peeler that he milked with stylish aerials and snaps to score a 7.23 and give him the win by just 0.03 points. With these results, Martin moves up into 10th overall in the World Rankings, while Juban rises to 7th and is now in striking distance of the overall World Title podium.

Italy’s number one rider, Federico Morisio, competed with trademark consistency he’s shown here in Peru over many years, for 3rd place on the coveted podium. His inspiring repertoire included aerials, aggressive snaps and floaters, which he linked beautifully on several long waves. Morisio scored over 7 for his two best waves and finished with a strong heat total of 14.63.

The number one Men’s seed coming into the Peru World Cup was 3 time Aloha Classic Champion, Hawaiian based and French born Morgan Noireaux who ended his finals run in 4th. Despite the end result, Noireaux impressed with the second highest single wave score of the final at 8.63.

In 4th position now, his World Title race is still very much alive with less than 1,000 points separating him from current 3rd overall Brazil’s Marcillio Brown, 2nd overall Spain’s Victor Fernandez.

Next up, competitors will take a break from competition before heading to the German World Cup next month, and then the Aloha Classic Grand Final in Hawaii in October.

Pacasmayo Classic 2024 Pro Men results:

1. Camille Juban (FRA)
2. Antoine Martin (FRA)
3. Federico Morisio (ITA)
4. Morgan Noireaux (FRA)

Tenerife PWA WC - Tag 6

11 08.2024
Mehrere Teilnehmer versuchten ein Comeback in der Double Elimination, aber letztendlich konnte niemand verhindern, dass Lina Erpenstein & Marc Paré zur Königin und zum König von Teneriffa 2024 gekrönt wurden.
Nach einer kurzen Unterbrechung am Nachmittag wurden am vorletzten Tag des 2024 Tenerife PWA World Cups die Double Eliminations der Männer und Frauen beendet und El Cabezo hat sicherlich einen soliden Allround-Test mit einer Vielzahl von Bedingungen geboten, die den Teilnehmern in den letzten sechs Tagen geboten wurden. Trotz einiger hervorragender Comebacks einiger Fahrer konnte letztendlich niemand die Single Elimination Champions - Lina Erpenstein (Severne / Severne Sails) und Marc Paré (Simmer / Simmer Sails) - daran hindern, die obersten Plätze auf dem prestigeträchtigen Event-Podium der Damen und Herren zu erobern.

Wave Women’s - Double Elimination

Lina Erpenstein (Severne / Severne Sails) has long been on the cusp of being one of the best female wave sailors in the world, but before this season, without really having the results to truly back it up. However, that all changed in April of this year when she won her maiden event on the World Tour in Chile, while now just a few months down the line, she has further enhanced her reputation with a terrific victory in Tenerife. The German had to defend her single elimination against none other than Iballa Moreno (Severne / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins), but she embraced the moment as she pulled off several full blooded rail turns to take control of the final before storming downwind and finding the perfect backloop ramp to secure the deal.

Having finished fourth in the single elimination, Iballa mounted a superb comeback with a combination of radical one-footed forward loops and her trademark, almost effortless wave riding, to first halt the comeback of Pauline Katz (Severne / Severne Sails) in Heat 46, before going on to also take down reigning world champion Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins) in a heat that had to be resailed, before also getting the better of Alexia Kiefer Quintana (Duotone Windsurfing) to guarantee herself a place in the top two in her first event of the season.

Alexia Kiefer Quintana may be slightly upset to slip to third place, but this still represents her third podium in as many events as the 19-year-old continues to go from strength-to-strength. The Spaniard landed a five-point backloop against Iballa, but couldn’t quite find the wave scores required on this occasion to pin back the former five-time PWA Wave world champion.

Sarah-Quita Offringa may be slightly aggrieved to have lost out on a place on the podium as the 24-time world champion was well ahead in the initial running of Heat 46 against Iballa Moreno. However, the decision was made to cancel the heat due to the conditions not being good enough and she ultimately lost out in the re-run. Fourth place isn’t where she is used to finishing, and it’s not ideal for her world title defence, even though Tenerife is only a 4-start event this time around, as this only Offringa’s second appearance of the season in the waves.

Pauline Katz has really stepped up her level this season and she finishes this year’s event in fifth place after bringing local girl, Maria Morales’ (Goya Windsurfing) comeback to and end in the battle for fifth and sixth in Heat 45. Morales, meanwhile, did well to climb back into the top six after fighting back from the first round of the double.

Men’s - Double Elimination

Marc Paré (Simmer / Simmer Sails) admitted that he felt a lot more nervous having to wait on the sidelines, while watching the double elimination unfold in front of his eyes, than when sailing in the single. However, by the way the 26-year-old started the final against good friend, Victor Fernandez (Duotone Windsurfing), you’d have been right to question whether he was feeling any nerves at all as he quickly rotated through an almost perfect double forward - 7.78 points - on a 5.3m and 99L board to set the tone. As previously mentioned, Paré is only just coming back to full fitness after suffering a Lisfranc fracture earlier in the year, but you wouldn’t be able to tell that given the overall level of his sailing as he also also earned two solid wave scores to set the highest heat score of the day - 18.41 points - to claim a thoroughly deserved first victory on the World Tour, which must feel all the more special given his turbulent year.

Victor Fernandez gains one place from the single elimination after producing a buzzer beater against Julian Salmonn (Bruch Boards / GUNSAILS) in what was incredibly close heat. In fact, things were so close that entering the dying seconds of the heat just 0.08 of a point separated the two sailors in Salmonn’s favour. However, Fernandez struck with a 5.38 point wave, the second highest wave score of the heat, to swing the tie in his favour to progress into the final. The former 3-time world champion couldn’t land a killer blow against Paré, but he keeps himself very much in the contention for a potential fourth world title.

Julian Salmonn couldn’t quite hang on to second place from the single, but still backs up his maiden podium from Gran Canaria - 2nd - with another at his home event. The German couldn’t quite display the air takas that he did in the single - perhaps due to the higher tide meaning the wave at El Cabezo didn’t provide quite the same projection, but third place still represents a solid result for the 26-year-old.

Out of the top ranked sailors in the overall World Tour rankings, Marino Gil (JP / NeilPryde) gains the most from the single elimination with the Spaniard climbing from joint ninth into fourth place after winning six consecutive heats.

Liam Dunkerbeck (Starboard / Severne Sails / Black Project Fins) slips one place to fifth, while Ricardo Campello finishes his second event of the season in sixth place. Last year’s vice-world champion landed a number of radical one-handed, one-footed forwards to inflict plenty of damage.

Meanwhile, Takuma Sugi (Tabou / GA Sails / Black Project Fins) and Tobias Bjørnaa (Duotone Windsurfing) both improve slightly from the single elimination with both sailors ranked in joint ninth at that point. Sugi improves to seventh place, while Bjørnaa records his best result to date on the World Tour with an excellent eighth place. The young Dane produced a buzzer beater in Heat 43 to deny Dieter Van der Eyken (Severne / Severne Sails / Black Project Fins) in the top eight.

Van der Eyken backs up his best result ever on the Wave World Tour from Gran Canaria - 4th - with a solid ninth place, which he shares alongside Antoine Albert (Goya Windsurfing), after the New Caledonian mounted an impressive comeback through the double, which saw him come from the first round to claim his spot inside the top 10.

With solid results gained in all other categories and a less than favourable forecast for the final day, there will be no further competition at this year’s event. The official prize giving ceremony will be held at 12:30pm (GMT+1)

Result 2024 Tenerife PWA World Cup - Women’s Wave

1st Lina Erpenstein (GER | Severne / Severne Sails)
2nd Iballa Moreno (ESP | Severne / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins)
3rd Alexia Kiefer Quintana (ESP | Duotone Windsurfing)
4th Sarah-Quita Offringa (ARU | Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins)
5th Pauline Katz (SUI | Severne / Severne Sails)
6th Maria Morales (ESP | Goya Windsurfing)

Result 2024 Tenerife PWA World Cup - Men’s Wave

1st Marc Paré (ESP | Simmer / Simmer Sails)
2nd Victor Fernandez (ESP | Duotone Windsurfing)
3rd Julian Salmonn (GER | Bruch Boards / GUNSAILS)
4th Marino Gil (ESP | Goya Windsurfing)
5th Liam Dunkerbeck (ESP | Starboard / Severne Sails / Black Project Fins)
6th Ricardo Campello (BRA/VEN)
7th Takuma Sugi (JPN | Tabou / GA Sails / Black Project Fins)
8th Tobias Bjørnaa (DEN | Duotone Windsurfing)
9th Antoine Albert (NC | Goya Windsurfing)
9th Dieter Van der Eyken (BEL | Severne / Severne Sails / Black Project Fins)

Current Ranking 2024 Tenerife PWA World Cup - Girl’s U18s

1st Sol Degrieck (BEL | Severne / Severne Sails)
2nd Lizzlote Schilling (ESP | Goya Windsurfing / Severne Sails)
3rd Annagiulia Piccaglia (ESP | Goya Windsurfing)
4th Trine Gobisch (GER | Duotone Windsurfing)

Current Ranking 2024 Tenerife PWA World Cup - Boy’s U21s

1st Liam Dunkerbeck (ESP | Starboard / Severne Sails / Black Project Fins)
2nd Hayata Ishii (JPN | RRD / RRD Sails)
3rd Tobias Bjørnaa (DEN | Duotone Windsurfing)
4th Anton Richter (GER | JP / NeilPryde)
5th Lennart Neubauer (GRE | Starboard / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins)
5th Gregory Stathopoulos (GRE | Goya Windsurfing)

Current Ranking 2024 Tenerife PWA World Cup - Boy’s U18s

1st Carlos Kiefer Quintana (GER | Duotone Windsurfing)
2nd Ryu Noguchi (JPN | Severne / Severne Sails)
3rd Leon Maethner (GER | Duotone Windsurfing)
4th Javier Escribano (ESP | Goya Windsurfing)

Tenerife PWA WC - Tag 5

10 08.2024
Liam Dunkerbeck stürmt zum Sieg in der Einzelausscheidung der Jungen U21, Sol Degrieck festigt ihren Platz an der Spitze der Mädchen U18 und die Doppelausscheidungen beginnen.
Am fünften Tag des 2024 Tenerife PWA World Cups gab es einen weiteren actiongeladenen Tag, an dem El Cabezo wohl die bisher besten Bedingungen des Events bot - vor allem bei auflaufender Flut mit einigen schönen Bowly-Passagen, die man anfahren konnte, während es mehr als genug Wind zum Springen gab.

Wave Women’s - Double Elimination

The opening round of the women’s double elimination was also completed and Sol Degrieck and local girl, Maria Morales (Goya Windsurfing), were by far the standout sailors and both of them could mount serious comebacks through the double. Morales posted the highest score of the day in Heat 39 - 16.74 points - with an excellent stalled forward and aggressive wave riding see her deservedly win the heat ahead of Elena Dominick (Severne / Severne Sails), who also progresses into the next round in second place.

Degrieck, meanwhile, comfortably won Heat 38 with a combination of a forward and excellent wave riding. The 14-year-old even threatened to slide through a taka, but couldn’t quite pull it off. Also joining the young Belgian in the next round are; Line Bang Wittrup (Goya Windsurfing), Sybille Bode (Goya Windsurfing), Caroline Weber (Bruch Boards / Sailloft Hamburg / Maui Ultra Fins), Blanca Alabau (Starboard / Severne Sails) and Sarah Jackson (Duotone Windsurfing).

Men’s - Double Elimination

By the close of play, almost the opening three rounds of the men’s double elimination have also been completed and thus far Henri Kolberg (Naish / Naish Sails), Jules Denel (Tabou / GA Sails) and Josep Pons (Point-7 / Black Project Fins) begun to mount the best comebacks as they each won their opening three heats today to qualify for the fourth round.

Elsewhere, Mike Friedl (Goya Windsurfing) successfully made it through his first heat in the double as he looks to try and defend his ninth place from the single, while Takuma Sugi (Tabou / GA Sails / Black Project Fins), Adam Warchol (Quatro / Goya Windsurfing) and Tobias Bjørnaa are all safely through to the next round as well.

The first heat up tomorrow will be Heat 39 which involves current World Tour leader, Marino Gil (JP / NeilPryde), Moritz Mauch (Simmer / Simmer Sails), who claimed the highest single wave score of the day - 7.38 points - Simon Thule (PATRIK / PATRIK Sails) and Antoine Albert (Goya Windsurfing), who rode his luck to progress from Heat 34. It looked as though the New Caledonian was set to miss out, but both Omar Sanchez (Tabou / GA Sails) and Esteban De Cruz (Severne / Severne Sails) had their best waves deducted, meaning Albert lives to fight another day.

Youth’s U18 Girl’s

Sol Degrieck (Severne / Severne Sails) cements her place at the top of the U18 Girl’s current event ranking after claiming her second victory in as many finals. The 14-year-old claimed another emphatic today with her jumping and wave riding being in a different dimension, while the rest of the results remained the same with Lizzlotte Schilling (Goya Windsurfing / Severne Sails) securing second place ahead of Annagiulia Piccaglia (Goya Windsurfing), who unfortunately injured her knee while landing a forward loop, and Trine Gobisch (Duotone Windsurfing).

U21 Boy’s

Having finished fourth in the main draw yesterday, Liam Dunkerbeck (Starboard / Severne Sails / Black Project Fins) stamped his authority on the U21s division to claim a clear cut victory. The 20-year-old, who won the opening event in Gran Canaria, looked unstoppable as he out jumped and out wave rode his opponents - once again landing textbook double forwards and one-foot backloops, while using his surfing knowledge and ability to excel on the wave. Dunkerbeck looks as though he has come of age in Tenerife and will be incredibly difficult to stop based on this performance.

Dunkerbeck’s closest rival, was perhaps unsurprisingly, Hayata Ishii (RRD / RRD Sails), who finished seventh in the main draw yesterday. However, things weren’t quite as simple as that, as in the four-man final just half a point separated Ishii, Tobias Bjørnaa (Duotone Windsurfing) and Anton Richter (JP / NeilPryde). In the end, Ishii was given the nod for second place thanks to him earning the highest single wave score for a sick frontside 360 off of a critical section to beat Bjørnaa by way of a tiebreak.

Bjørnaa sailed great throughout - consistently earning the maximum points allowed for a stalled forward - 5.5 points, while his wave riding was free flowing and dynamic.

Meanwhile, Richter, who pipped Lennart Neubauer (Starboard / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins) to the last place in the final by just half a point as well, but was then on the wrong side of that decision in the final as he missed out on a place on the podium by the exact same margin.

Neubauer currently shares joint fifth place with fellow countryman - Gregory Stathopoulos (Goya Windsurfing). Neubauer couldn’t quite land the double forward that he needed in the semifinals to progress, while Stathopoulos sailed well until the semifinals and then didn’t enjoy his best heat.

The forecast for Saturday is best early on with the wind and the waves expected to drop as the day progresses. The sailors will meet again at 9:30am (GMT+1) for the skippers’ meeting with the action commencing from 10am onwards.

Current Ranking 2024 Tenerife PWA World Cup - Women’s Wave

1st Lina Erpenstein (GER | Severne / Severne Sails)
2nd Alexia Kiefer Quintana (ESP | Duotone Windsurfing)
3rd Sarah-Quita Offringa (ARU | Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins)
4th Iballa Moreno (ESP | Severne / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins)
5th Maria Behrens (GER | Duotone Windsurfing / Maui Ultra Fins)
5th Pauline Katz (SUI | Severne / Severne Sails)
7th Marine Hunter (FRA | Quatro / Tribal Windsurfing)
7th Justyna Sniady (POL | North Sails / Maui Ultra Fins)

Current Ranking 2024 Tenerife PWA World Cup - Men’s Wave

1st Marca Paré (ESP | Simmer / Simmer Sails)
2nd Julian Salmonn (GER | Bruch Boards / GUNSAILS)
3rd Victor Fernandez (ESP | Duotone Windsurfing)
4th Liam Dunkerbeck (ESP | Starboard / Severne Sails / Black Project Fins)
5th Dieter Van der Eyken (BEL | Severne / Severne Sails / Black Project Fins)
5th Ricardo Campello (BRA/VEN)
7th Miguel Chapuis (ESP | Flikka / North Sails)
7th Hayata Ishii (JPN | RRD / RRD Sails)
9th Mike Friedl (ESP | Goya Windsurfing)
9th Marino Gil (ESP | JP / NeilPryde)
9th Tobias Bjørnaa (DEN | Duotone Windsurfing)
9th Takuma Sugi (JPN | Tabou / GA Sails / Black Project Fins)

Current Ranking 2024 Tenerife PWA World Cup - Girl’s U18s

1st Sol Degrieck (BEL | Severne / Severne Sails)
2nd Lizzllote Schilling (ESP | Goya Windsurfing / Severne Sails)
3rd Annagiulia Piccaglia (ESP | Goya Windsurfing)
4th Trine Gobisch (GER | Duotone Windsurfing)

Current Ranking 2024 Tenerife PWA World Cup - Boy’s U21s

1st Liam Dunkerbeck (ESP | Starboard / Severne Sails / Black Project Fins)
2nd Hayata Ishii (JPN | RRD / RRD Sails)
3rd Tobias Bjørnaa (DEN | Duotone Windsurfing)
4th Anton Richter (GER | JP / NeilPryde)
5th Lennart Neubauer (GRE | Starboard / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins)
5th Gregory Stathopoulos (GRE | Goya Windsurfing)

Current Ranking 2024 Tenerife PWA World Cup - Boy’s U18s

1st Carlos Kiefer Quintana (GER | Duotone Windsurfing)
2nd Ryu Noguchi (JPN | Severne / Severne Sails)
3rd Leon Maethner (GER | Duotone Windsurfing)
4th Javier Escribano (ESP | Goya Windsurfing)

Tenerife PWA WC - Tag 4

09 08.2024
Marc Paré feiert ein bemerkenswertes Comeback nach seiner Verletzung und führt das Event an, nachdem er sich gegen Julian Salmonn, Victor Fernandez & Liam Dunkerbeck in der Einzelausscheidung durchsetzte.
El Cabezo bot am vierten Tag des PWA World Cups auf Teneriffa tolle Bedingungen, die es ermöglichten, die Single Elimination der Männer bei bis zu kopfhohen Wellen und 20-25 Knoten Wind zu absolvieren, während die besten männlichen Windsurfer der Welt eine großartige Show ablieferten. Nach dem Ende der Single Elimination der Männer ging die Master-Flotte zum ersten Mal in dieser Woche aufs Wasser, wo Ben Proffitt (Simmer / Simmer Sails) seinen Sieg in Pozo Izquierdo mit einem weiteren Sieg wiederholen konnte.

Wave Men’s

Marc Paré (Simmer / Simmer Sails) suffered a Lisfranc fracture earlier in this year, which derailed his world title ambitions for another year. However, today will go along way for making up for that disappointment as he produced a masterclass to win the single elimination ahead of Julian Salmonn (Bruch Boards / GUNSAILS), Victor Fernandez (Duotone Windsurfing) and Liam Dunkerbeck (Starboard / Severne Sails / Black Project Fins). The Spaniard produced almost perfect double forwards in the semifinal and final, while his wave riding was also exemplary and he is now on the verge of a maiden victory on the World Tour.

El Cabezo is home for Salmonn and the 26-year-old consistently looked like the man to beat throughout the single elimination as he displayed his trademark wave riding, which included plenty of air takas. It wasn’t quite to be in the final as the German missed out by just 1.66 points to Paré, but after claiming his first podium in Pozo, he is now guaranteed another podium no matter what happens.

Victor Fernandez may be forty now, but he’s showing no signs of slowing day as he continues to match the new generation of wave sailing talent. Fernandez displayed his usual effortless flow on the wave, while landing one-footed backloops to secure the final place on the podium in the single elimination.

Liam Dunkerbeck qualified for his first final on the World Tour with the young Spaniard inflicting plenty of damage with his double forwards, which included a 8.10 point double in the final, but he couldn’t quite find the wave scores to challenge for the win in the final, while he missed out on the podium by just 0.02 of a point.

Having recorded his best finish to date on the PWA Wave World Tour in Gran Canaria - 4th - Dieter van der Eyken (Severne / Severne Sails / Black Project Fins) made use of his expert local knowledge to secure joint fifth place in the single elimination alongside Ricardo Campello. The Belgian injured himself in Pozo just after the event, but did brilliantly to bounce back in time for his home event.

Meanwhile, Hayata Ishii (RRD / RRD Sails) and Miguel Chapuis (Flikka / North Sails) both impressed throughout the single elimination, which resulted in them both making it into the semifinals and they share joint seventh.

The top ten is currently completed by Mike Friedl (Goya Windsurfing), who enjoyed his best day to date on the World Tour, current World Tour leader, Marino Gil (JP / NeilPryde), who was pipped to a place in the semifinals in the dying seconds by Dunkerbeck, 18-year-old Tobias Bjørnaa (Duotone Windsurfing), who also enjoyed his best day to date, and Takuma Sugi (Tabou / GA Sails / Black Project Fins).

The forecast for Friday looks promising again with 20-25 knot winds and waves of up 1.7m currently being predicted. The sailors will meet again at 10:30am (GMT+1) for the skippers’ meeting with the action commencing from 11am onwards.

You can stay up to date with all the latest developments from Tenerife — including live stream, elimination ladders, entry list, images and live ticker simply by clicking HERE and scrolling to the bottom of the page.

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Current Ranking 2024 Tenerife PWA World Cup - Women’s Wave

1st Lina Erpenstein (GER | Severne / Severne Sails)
2nd Alexia Kiefer Quintana (ESP | Duotone Windsurfing)
3rd Sarah-Quita Offringa (ARU | Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins)
4th Iballa Moreno (ESP | Severne / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins)
5th Maria Behrens (GER | Duotone Windsurfing / Maui Ultra Fins)
5th Pauline Katz (SUI | Severne / Severne Sails)
7th Marine Hunter (FRA | Quatro / Tribal Windsurfing)
7th Justyna Sniady (POL | North Sails / Maui Ultra Fins)
Current Ranking 2024 Tenerife PWA World Cup - Men’s Wave

1st Marca Paré (ESP | Simmer / Simmer Sails)
2nd Julian Salmonn (GER | Bruch Boards / GUNSAILS)
3rd Victor Fernandez (ESP | Duotone Windsurfing)
4th Liam Dunkerbeck (ESP | Starboard / Severne Sails / Black Project Fins)
5th Dieter Van der Eyken (BEL | Severne / Severne Sails / Black Project Fins)
5th Ricardo Campello (BRA/VEN)
7th Miguel Chapuis (ESP | Flikka / North Sails)
7th Hayata Ishii (JPN | RRD / RRD Sails)
9th Mike Friedl (ESP | Goya Windsurfing)
9th Marino Gil (ESP | JP / NeilPryde)
9th Tobias Bjørnaa (DEN | Duotone Windsurfing)
9th Takuma Sugi (JPN | Tabou / GA Sails / Black Project Fins)

Tenerife PWA WC - Tag 2

07 08.2024
Die besten Wavesurferinnen der Welt beeindrucken mit aggressivem Wellenreiten, bei dem die aktuelle Nummer 1 der Welt, Lina Erpenstein, die Führung übernimmt
Am zweiten Tag des 2024 Tenerife PWA World Cups standen die Frauen im Mittelpunkt des Geschehens, und sie lieferten mit einer spannenden Single Elimination, die kurz vor 15 Uhr Ortszeit beendet wurde, eine hervorragende Vorstellung ab. Vor dem Halbfinale bestand das Bewertungskriterium aus reinem Wellenreiten, und die Mädels glänzten mit vielen beeindruckenden Leistungen und aggressiven Turns. Ab dem Halbfinale wurde entschieden, einen Sprung mit zwei Wellen in die Wertung einzubeziehen, und nach einem etwas langsamen Start in das Finale der Siegerinnen erholte sich Lina Erpenstein (Severne / Severne Sails) glänzend und holte sich den Sieg in Teneriffa.

Wave Women’s

Current World Tour leader, Lina Erpenstein (Severne / Severne Sails) looked in confident mood on her way to booking her place in the 4-woman final. The German took control early on in her semifinal against Alexia Kiefer Quintana (Duotone Windsurfing), Maria Behrens (Duotone Windsurfing / Maui Ultra Fins) and Marine Hunter (Quatro / Tribal Windsurfing) after landing a textbook backloop and then earning an excellent 8.12 point wave score. However, things didn’t go quite so well early on in the final after a failed backloop attempt and then not quite bring in sync with the waves. Erpenstein didn’t get rattled though and instead managed to remain calm before registering her first real wave score - just under halfway through the final - with a big, gouging solid rail turn to bring herself right back into contention. The 27-year-old then picked off another set wave to earn 5.38 points, which sent her into a deserved lead and with no notable scores dropping in the final few minutes, Erpenstein secured the victory in the single elimination to lead the event - for the time being at least - at the end of the second day.

Alexia Kiefer Quintana (Duotone Windsurfing) didn’t think she sailed her best heat in the winners’ final, but the 19-year-old, who has finished on the podium in the last two events, is already guaranteed another podium finish after managing to earn second place in the single elimination. The Spaniard impressed throughout with her impressive aggressive approach to wave riding as she continues to enjoy a breakout season.

Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins) survived a slight scare in the last quarterfinal to eventually win Heat 20, before also going on to win her semifinal ahead of Iballa Moreno (Severne / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins), Pauline Katz (Severne / Severne Sails) and Justyna Sniady (North Sails / Maui Ultra Fins). Offringa made a flying start to the winners’ final after spinning through a forward loop, but then just couldn’t quite find the wave scores she needed to threaten for the victory. The Lady from Aruba finishes day two ranked in third place.

Iballa Moreno was making her first appearance of the season on the World Tour and the former five-time PWA Wave world champion made no mistakes in booking her place in the final after displaying more of her fluid and dynamic wave riding. In the final, things didn’t quite click for Moreno, so she currently has to settle for fourth place and will look to manoeuvre herself into the podium positions if/when the double elimination takes place.

Meanwhile, Katz and Behrens currently share joint fifth place ahead of both Sniady and Hunter, who pulled off a buzzer beater in the quarterfinals to deny local girl - Maria Morales (Goya Windsurfing) - a spot in the top 8, after crunching a solid late hit.

The top ten is currently completed by Morales, Caroline Weber (Bruch Boards / Sailloft Hamburg / Maui Ultra Fins), Sol Degrieck (Severne / Severne Sails) and Blanca Alabau (Starboard / Severne Sails), who was making her debut on the PWA Wave World Tour at her home spot.

After the completion of the Women’s Single Elimination, the plan was to being the Men’s, but unfortunately the conditions didn’t play ball over the remainder of the day, so the sailors were released shortly after 18:00.

The good news is that tomorrow looks promising with similar strength winds and waves as today, so that should hopefully allow the Men’s Single Elimination to begin. The sailors will meet again at 9am (GMT+1) tomorrow morning for the skippers’ meeting with the action commencing from 9:30am onwards.

You can stay up to date with all the latest developments from Tenerife — including live stream, elimination ladders, entry list, images and live ticker simply by clicking HERE and scrolling to the bottom of the page.

Also if you don’t already, be sure to follow us on our Social Media Channels:

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Current Ranking 2024 Tenerife PWA World Cup - Women’s Wave

1st Lina Erpenstein (GER | Severne / Severne Sails)
2nd Alexia Kiefer Quintana (ESP | Duotone Windsurfing)
3rd Sarah-Quita Offringa (ARU | Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins)
4th Iballa Moreno (ESP | Severne / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins)
5th Maria Behrens (GER | Duotone Windsurfing / Maui Ultra Fins)
5th Pauline Katz (SUI | Severne / Severne Sails)
7th Marine Hunter (FRA | Quatro / Tribal Windsurfing)
7th Justyna Sniady (POL | North Sails / Maui Ultra Fins)

Pacasmayo Peru WC

07 08.2024
Tag 2: Anderthalb Meter hohe Wellen und idealer Wind machen Pacasmayo zum perfekten Spielplatz für die besten Fahrer der Welt
Ein konkurrenzfähiger Yoav Omer begann den Tag mit einem überzeugenden Sieg über Octavio Cavalaro, der sich einen engen Kampf mit Raoul Reiner um den zweiten Platz lieferte. Omer ritt viele Wellen in einer ziemlich konstanten Art und Weise, aber es gelang ihm, eines der besseren Sets zu finden und den Heat mit 7,13 Punkten zu gewinnen.

Camille Juban (AV Boards / S2Maui) revelled in the early conditions when the tide was low and sets were more solid. Rarely showing a weakness in his sailing and being very careful in his wave selection, he aerialled and goitered his way to a convincing win and set one of the top scores of the day at 15.63. A consistent Arnaud Frennet also had some impressive wave rides to place second and progress through to the quarters.

Heat 3 was the match of the day, with Philip Köster (Severne / Severne Sails / Black Project Fins) and Alex Vargas (Goya Windsurfing / Naish) trading places and finishing with the two of the top three scores of the Pro Men. However, the approach of the two sailors was vastly different, with Vargas showcasing some of the day’s most pure and aggressive surf style riding. Meanwhile, Koster’s consistency in his trick repertoire was unmatched by anyone and he emerged the victor by just 0.14 of a point after nailing two takas on one wave. The surfing flair of Vargas was memorable and places him as a major threat in the Pro Men.

In Heat 4, Antoine Martin (Starboard / North Sails) had the perfect start with some solid aerials and a goiter off a set wave to score an excellent 8.03 in the first few minutes. He backed it up immediately with another solid set to lead with a heat total of 15.30. Some plane dramas delayed Federico Morisio’s (Starboard / Severne Sails) arrival on the day, but that didn’t seem to phase him. Straight away, he nailed some high speed, late aerials off set waves to progress with a second place and another solid heat score of 14.30 points.

Russ Faurot (Quatro / S2Maui / Black Project Fins) found two good size sets in the first half of Heat 5 and rode them with tight, aggressive turns to claim a convincing win. An improving Nelson Perez flaunted the benefits of consecutive trips to Peru and also secured a place in the quarterfinals.

The ever-consistent Morgan Noireaux (JP / NeilPryde / Black Project Fins) took a comfortable win in Heat 6 with his flawless technique, always selecting the best waves and riding them to perfection. Upcoming Chilean rider, Vicente Gonzalez again rode well in the competition setting, to avoid the elimination round.

In the Pro Women, Sarah Hauser (Quatro / Goya Windsurfing) dominated the first heat, with some of the longest rides of the day. Her consistently tight snaps in critical positions in the pocket were well rewarded and she finished with a strong heat total of 15.20 points. Upcoming Peruvian rider, Denis Blondet was ecstatic to make her way into second place with some well linked turns on set waves.

In Heat 2, Jane Seman (Severne / Severne Sails) started strongly with a 7.27 in the first few minutes. Riding just three waves and using a similar strategy to Juban, she waited patiently for good waves at the point. This approach, combined with aggressive snaps and lip hits on long waves, paid off and secured her the win and a place in the final. Rapidly improving Argentinian rider, Dominica Osman also selected her waves well and showcased some excellent bottom turn/top turn combinations to take second.

Tomorrow shows a small drop in the swell, but a good wind forecast means that competition is likely to continue.

Tenerife PWA WC - Tag 1

06 08.2024
Starter registriert, aufgeriggt und bereit - nach einem ruhigen Start der Veranstaltung.
Der Eröffnungstag des 2024 Tenerife PWA World Cups begann relativ ruhig. Die Teilnehmer meldeten sich zwischen 10 und 11 Uhr Ortszeit für die nächsten sechs Wettkampftage an, bevor um 12:30 Uhr das erste Skippers' Meeting der Woche stattfand.

After an almost windless start to the day, the wind did gradually pick up, which was enough to tempt a few eager sailors out on to the water, but conditions unfortunately were never competable today, so the official contest remained on hold.

The forecast for tomorrow is similar to what is was for Monday, but with a slight increase in swell size - albeit very short period, so we’ll just have to wait and see what happens. The skippers’ meeting has been called for 10:30am (GMT+1) tomorrow morning with the action commencing from 11am onwards - depending on the conditions.

2024 Fuerte PWA WC Tag 10

04 08.2024
Daniele Benedetti übersteht den letzten Tag und holt sich seinen ersten Sieg auf der World Tour, während Justine Lemeteyer den Foil-Slalom der Damen für sich entscheidet
Für kurze Zeit sah es so aus, als ob der letzte Tag des 2024 Fuerteventura PWA World Cups auf enttäuschende Art und Weise enden könnte, nachdem der anfänglich starke Wind böig und unbeständig wurde, was zu einer Verschiebung der Rennen führte. Glücklicherweise kehrte der Wind jedoch kurz nach 13 Uhr Ortszeit zurück, so dass zwei weitere Ausscheidungen für die Männer und drei Ausscheidungen für die Frauen bei Winden zwischen 18-28 Knoten durchgeführt werden konnten.

Foil Slalom Women’s

Just 0.3 of a point separated Justine Lemeteyer (FMX Racing / S2Maui) and Marion Mortefon (PATRIK / PATRIK Sails / PATRIK Foils) at the start of the final day, but Lemeteyer won all three races today to power to an impressive victory, which is her first since May 2023 in Lake Garda, Italy. The current vice-world champion deservedly leads the world rankings after winning eight out of the last nine eliminations here, such was her level of display. Lemeteyer was understandably delighted as she crossed the line and now leads the Foil Slalom World Tour.

Mortefon made a flying start to the event, which saw her win the opening three eliminations, but couldn’t quite match Lemeteyer’s performance as her fellow countryman upped her game significantly after the first day. The former three-time world champion still makes a solid start to the season with a clear second place here and there is all still to play for over the remainder of the year.

Third place may not be quite the start that reigning world champion Blanca Alabau (Starboard / Severne Sails) envisaged, but it still represents a decent foundation on which to build upon for the rest of the season. The Spaniard was very consistent - only finishing outside the top three once in the opening nine eliminations, but couldn’t land that killer blow to force her way into the race for the event title.

Elsewhere, Alisa Engelmann (PATRIK / PATRIK Sails / PATRIK Foils) enjoyed a solid debut on the World Tour after securing fourth place. The German, who only started windsurfing two or three years ago, challenged Lemeteyer all the way in Elimination 4 as she aimed to secure her first bullet, but ultimately had to settle for second with the French girl proving too strong.

Maya Morris (Future Fly) also made her debut appearance over the last five days, but unfortunately, she only received her own equipment on the last day, so it is perhaps no surprise that she recorded her best results today with two third places and a fourth to finish the event ranked fifth.


Daniele Benedetti (FMX Racing / S2Maui) survived a major final day scare after wiping out on the opening reach of his quarterfinal in Elimination 6. The Italian was able to immediately discard it, but it put a lot more pressure on him in Elimination 7 because he couldn’t afford any more mistakes with Pierre Mortefon (FMX Racing / Phantom Sails), Matteo Iachino (Starboard / Severne Sails) and Enrico Marotti (JP / NeilPryde) all still in contention for the event title. In fact, Benedetti and Mortefon started Elimination 7 tied on 14.4 points with the Frenchman ahead of countback, such was the closeness at the top of the rankings.

However, the Italian took matters into his own hands and claimed his maiden event victory on the World Tour in perfect fashion as he claimed a superb bullet in the last elimination to leave the result in no doubt. The 28-year-old signed off last season with a first podium in Japan, but goes a couple of places better in the season opener here to emerge as a definite and real world title contender.

Having being crowned the event and Slalom X world champion yesterday, Mortefon couldn’t quite pull off the perfect double as he fell just short in the last race of the event. However, he leaves Fuerteventura with a second world title in the bag, while firmly in contention for another, so all in all it’s been five days of great work.

Enrico Marotti (JP / NeilPryde) pulled of a miraculous comeback to pip Matteo Iachino (Starboard / Severne Sails) to the final place on the prestigious podium. The Croatian suffered a quarterfinal exit in the opening elimination to leave himself with an uphill battle, but bounced back brilliantly by qualifying for all six of the next winners’ finals, which included a bullet in Elimination 6 to give himself a shot at the event title heading into the last. Unfortunately, the 33-year-old fell in the winners’ final to all but end those hopes, but will still be delighted to have pulled off such a comeback - particularly as he’s still recovering from an injury he suffered in Gran Canaria, which is why he didn’t compete in Slalom X.

Matteo Iachino started the day just 1.3 points off the lead, but the last day didn’t quite pan out as he’d have wanted, as rather than gunning for the event title, he missed out on the podium all together after almost everything that could go wrong did. Firstly the Italian suffered a broken foil box in Elimination 6, before the cleat failed in the semifinal of Elimination 7, which cost him a place in the top eight on both occasions. Iachino was still in contention for the event title at that stage and made a great start in the semifinal of Elimination 7 before the cleat slipped, which saw him drop to the back of the fleet. Iachino tried his best to mount an unlikely comeback, but ultimately just missed out in fifth, despite his best efforts. Fourth doesn’t represent the worst start to the season for the reigning world champion, but it’s also less than ideal for his world title defence.

Alexis Mathis (Tabou / GA Sails) only made his debut on the World Tour last season, but the 22-year-old walks away from Fuerteventura with his best result to date after recording an excellent fifth place here. The Frenchman suffered a quarterfinal exit in the opener, but then firmly hit form as he finished tenth or better in all of the next six eliminations - including two second place finishes.

Amado Vrieswijk (Future Fly / Severne Sails) finishes the event ranked sixth, but may be slightly disappointed to have only qualified for three out of seven winners’ final. On the four occasions he ended up in the b-final, the Bonairean won all four heats to finish ninth in each elimination, so he will probably be frustrated, as it suggests he clearly had the performance necessary to be challenging for the event title - especially given the fact that he signed off last season with back-to-back event victories.

Last year’s world No.5 - Michele Becker (PATRIK / PATRIK Sails / PATRIK Foils) - makes a decent start to his second full season on tour after finishing seventh here. The German only missed out on one winners’ final, while he never finished outside the top ten, such was his level of consistency.

The top ten is completed by Maciek Rutkowski (NeilPryde) - 8th - who did well to recover from a slow start, ending the event with a third, a fifth and a sixth, and Jordy Vonk (Duotone Windsurfing) - 9th - and Thomas Goyard (PATRIK / PATRIK Sails / PATRIK Foils) - 10th - both of whom were two of the most consistent sailors over the last five days. Vonk never finished outside the top twelve, while Goyard finished outside the top eleven once in the seven eliminations completed.

That concludes what has been another brilliant edition of the Fuerteventura PWA World Cup with Sotavento more than living up to its reputation with ten windy days out of ten, which has provided a plethora of world class Freestyle and racing over the last ten days. You also won’t have to wait long for your next fix of world class windsurfing with the Tenerife PWA World Cup taking place between 5th-11th August.

Result 2024 Fuerteventura PWA World Cup - Women’s Foil Slalom

1st Justine Lemeteyer (FRA | FMX Racing / S2Maui)
2nd Marion Mortefon (FRA | PATRIK / PATRIK Sails / PATRIK Foils)
3rd Blanca Alabau (ESP | Starboard / Severne Sails)
4th Alisa Engelmann (GER | PATRIK / PATRIK Sails / PATRIK Foils)
5th Maya Morris (ISR | Future Fly)
Result 2024 Fuerteventura PWA World Cup - Men’s Foil Slalom

1st Daniele Benedetti (ITA | FMX Racing / Challenger Sails)
2nd Pierre Mortefon (FRA | Phantom / Phantom Sails | Phantom Foils)
3rd Enrico Marotti (CRO | JP / NeilPryde)
4th Matteo Iachino (ITA | Starboard / Severne Sails)
5th Alexis Mathis (FRA | Tabou / GA Sails)
6th Amado Vrieswijk (NB | Future Fly / Severne Sails)
7th Michele Becker (GER | PATRIK / PATRIK Sails / PATRIK Foils)
8th Maciek Rutkowski (POL | NeilPryde)
9th Jordy Vonk (NED | Duotone Windsurfing)
10th Thomas Goyard (FRA | PATRIK / PATRIK Sails / PATRIK Foils)
Result 2024 Fuerteventura PWA World Cup - Women’s Slalom X

1st Sarah-Quita Offringa (ARU | Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins)
2nd Justine Lemeteyer (FRA | FMX Racing / S2Maui)
3rd Marion Mortefon (FRA | PATRIK / PATRIK Sails)
4th Jenna Gibson (GBR | Duotone Windsurfing)
5th Femke van der Veen (NED | Starboard / Severne Sails)
Result 2024 Fuerteventura PWA World Cup - Men’s Slalom X

1st Matteo Iachino (ITA | Starboard / Severne Sails)
2nd Pierre Mortefon (FRA | FMX Racing / Phantom Sails)
3rd Taty Frans (NB | Future Fly / Point-7)
4th Jordy Vonk (NED | Duotone Windsurfing)
5th Maciek Rutkowski (POL | NeilPryde)
6th Ingmar Daldorf (NED | Tabou / GA Sails)
7th Bruno Martini (ITA | JP / NeilPryde)
8th Amado Vrieswijk (NB | Future Fly / Severne Sails)
9th Lohan Jules (FRA | Future Fly / S2Maui)
10th Nico Prien (GER | JP / NeilPryde)
Result Fuerteventura PWA World Cup - Women’s Freestyle

1st Sarah-Quita Offringa (ARU | Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins)
2nd Oda Brødholt (NOR | Starboard / Severne Sails)
3rd Maaike Huvermann (NED | Severne / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins)
4th Lisa Kloster (GER | MB Boards / Sailloft Hamburg)
5th Elena Dominick (GER | Severne / Severne Sails)
6th Lina Schmied (AUT | GUNSAILS)
Result Fuerteventura PWA World Cup - Men’s Freestyle

1st Lennart Neubauer (GRE | Starboard / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins)
2nd Adrien Bosson (FRA | Duotone Windsurfing / Maui Ultra Fins)
3rd Yentel Caers (BEL | JP / NeilPryde)
4th Balz Müller (SUI | Severne / Severne Sails)
5th Sam Esteve (FRA | JP / NeilPryde)
6th Youp Schmit (NB | Tabou / GA Sails)
7th Jacopo Testa (ITA | WeOne / Point-7 / AL360)
7th Antony Ruenes (FRA | Tabou / GA Sails)
9th Steven Van Broeckhoven (BEL | Starboard / GUNSAILS)
9th Amado Vrieswijk (NB | Future Fly / Severne Sails)
9th Nicolas Akgazciyan (FRA | JP / NeilPryde)
9th Antoine Albert (NC | Goya Windsurfing)

2024 Fuerte PWA WC Tag 9

03 08.2024
Pierre Mortefon & Sarah-Quita Offringa werden nach einem weiteren großartigen Renntag die ersten Slalom X Weltmeister.
Am vorletzten Tag des 2024 Fuerteventura PWA World Cups kochten die Emotionen hoch, als sich die erste Saison des Slalom X dem Ende zuneigte. Die Dünung, die bereits am Donnerstag einsetzte, pulsierte auch heute weiter, was zu einigen massiven Wipeouts führte - sei es beim Speedrun, beim Überwinden des Hindernisses oder beim Versuch, nach dem Überqueren der Ziellinie zu behaupten, sorgte für weitere spannende Rennen, bei denen die weltbesten Racer alles auf eine Karte setzten.

Slalom X Women’s

Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins) started the day in the driving seat as she went in search of world title No.24 having won each of the five eliminations completed yesterday. The Lady from Aruba was equally as dominant today as she claimed victories in each of the opening four races by quite some margin, meaning she already had the event and world title firmly in the bag before the last race. The 33-year-old could’t quite complete an ten-timer, but in all reality that didn’t matter in the slightest aside from bragging rights, as she still finishes the event with a perfect record of 5.6 points. Offringa once again reinforces her status as the Queen of windsurfing after winning all four events that she has entered over the last five weeks.

Time and time again, it was Justine Lemeteyer (FMX Racing / S2Maui) who tried to take it to Offringa, and in the tenth and final elimination, she got her Just rewards as she signed off the event with a thoroughly deserved bullet. You could visibly see how much it meant to her as it cemented her second place in the event rankings, which sees her end the first ever season of Slalom X as the vice-world champion. Lemeteyer wears her heart on her sleeve and things could get even better yet as she leads the Foil Slalom heading into the final day tomorrow.

Marion Mortefon (PATRIK / PATRIK Sails) completes the event podium in Fuerteventura, but just misses out on the final place on the prestigious overall podium to Jenna Gibson (Duotone Windsurfing), who secures third place in the world for 2024 on countback.


Pierre Mortefon (FMX Racing / Phantom Sails) boasted a 100% qualifying record for Winners’ Finals for the entire season heading into Elimination 5 here, but then the Frenchman went down hard on the approach to the jump in the semifinals of the fifth elimination, which ended that superb record. At the time, Mortefon wasn’t aware that he was already guaranteed to the title, so cut a gutted figure on the beach, thinking that he had blown his world title chances. However, after initially refusing to believe it, emotions quickly turned to elation as he realised that he had become the first sailor in history to win the Slalom X world title.

Matteo Iachino (Starboard / Severne Sails) finishes the season tied on 20,500 points with Mortefon, but agonisingly misses out on countback to his long-time rival after, Mortefon, the newly crowned world champions dominant display in Pozo proved to be the difference. Whether the Italian was aware of the implications or not, he produced a sublime last ditch gybe at the fourth and final buoy to manoeuvre himself past Jordy Vonk (Duotone Windsurfing) and move into the top two, which secured him the event victory by just 0.7 of point. Of course, the event victory, which is Iachino’s first victory on the World Tour since 2019 (bearing in mind COVID), but hits the crossbar on the world title again.

Iachino’s last ditch dive at the last effectively relegated Jordy Vonk (Duotone Windsurfing) from third to fourth, not only in event rankings, but also the overalls. The Dutchman misses out by just one point in the event rankings, while he misses out to Maciek Rutkowski (NeilPryde) on countback in the overalls.

Rutkowski did brilliantly in the last elimination to earn a hard fought bullet after going rail-to-rail against Vonk, but won the aerial battle over the jump to move ahead, which proved pivotal in deciding the final place on the podium as Vonk hesitated slightly on the approach to the obstacle.

Meanwhile, the outcome of that race also means Taty Frans (Future Fly / Point-7) secures a hugely popular final place on the event podium. We’ll go through the full event results in the event summary.

Tomorrow will see the conclusion of the Foil Slalom, and as things stand, Daniele Benedetti (FMX Racing / Challenger Sails) and Justine Lemeteyer (FMX Racing / S2Maui) lead the event rankings, but there is almost nothing separating the girl’s and the boy’s at the top of the event rankings, so we should see a fascinating final to the racing.

Result 2024 Fuerteventura PWA World Cup - Women’s Slalom X

1st Sarah-Quita Offringa (ARU | Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins)
2nd Justine Lemeteyer (FRA | FMX Racing / S2Maui)
3rd Marion Mortefon (FRA | PATRIK / PATRIK Sails)
4th Jenna Gibson (GBR | Duotone Windsurfing)
5th Femke van der Veen (NED | Starboard / Severne Sails)
Result 2024 Fuerteventura PWA World Cup - Men’s Slalom X

1st Matteo Iachino (ITA | Starboard / Severne Sails)
2nd Pierre Mortefon (FRA | FMX Racing / Phantom Sails)
3rd Taty Frans (NB | Future Fly / Point-7)
4th Jordy Vonk (NED | Duotone Windsurfing)
5th Maciek Rutkowski (POL | NeilPryde)
6th Ingmar Daldorf (NED | Tabou / GA Sails)
7th Bruno Martini (ITA | JP / NeilPryde)
8th Amado Vrieswijk (NB | Future Fly / Severne Sails)
9th Lohan Jules (FRA | Future Fly / S2Maui)
10th Nico Prien (GER | JP / NeilPryde)
Current Ranking Fuerteventura PWA World Cup - Women’s Foil Slalom
*After 9 Eliminations (2 Discards)

1st Justine Lemeteyer (FRA | FMX Racing / S2Maui)
2nd Marion Mortefon (FRA | PATRIK / PATRIK Sails / PATRIK Foils)
3rd Blanca Alabau (ESP | Starboard / Severne Sails)
4th Alisa Engelmann (GER | PATRIK / PATRIK Sails / PATRIK Foils)
5th Maya Morris (ISR | Future Fly)
Current Ranking Fuerteventura PWA World Cup - Men’s Foil Slalom
*After 5 Eliminations

1st Daniele Benedetti (ITA | FMX Racing / Challenger Sails)
2nd Pierre Mortefon (FRA | Phantom / Phantom Sails | Phantom Foils)
3rd Matteo Iachino (ITA | Starboard / Severne Sails)
4th Enrico Marotti (CRO | JP / NeilPryde)
5th Alexis Mathis (FRA | Tabou / GA Sails)
6th Amado Vrieswijk (NB | Future Fly / Severne Sails)
7th Michele Becker (GER | PATRIK / PATRIK Sails / PATRIK Foils)
8th Nico Prien (GER | JP / NeilPryde)
9th Thomas Goyard (FRA | PATRIK / PATRIK Sails / PATRIK Foils)
10th Jordy Vonk (NED | Duotone Windsurfing)
Result Fuerteventura PWA World Cup - Women’s Freestyle

1st Sarah-Quita Offringa (ARU | Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins)
2nd Oda Brødholt (NOR | Starboard / Severne Sails)
3rd Maaike Huvermann (NED | Severne / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins)
4th Lisa Kloster (GER | MB Boards / Sailloft Hamburg)
5th Elena Dominick (GER | Severne / Severne Sails)
6th Lina Schmied (AUT | GUNSAILS)
Result Fuerteventura PWA World Cup - Men’s Freestyle

1st Lennart Neubauer (GRE | Starboard / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins)
2nd Adrien Bosson (FRA | Duotone Windsurfing / Maui Ultra Fins)
3rd Yentel Caers (BEL | JP / NeilPryde)
4th Balz Müller (SUI | Severne / Severne Sails)
5th Sam Esteve (FRA | JP / NeilPryde)
6th Youp Schmit (NB | Tabou / GA Sails)
7th Jacopo Testa (ITA | WeOne / Point-7 / AL360)
7th Antony Ruenes (FRA | Tabou / GA Sails)
9th Steven Van Broeckhoven (BEL | Starboard / GUNSAILS)
9th Amado Vrieswijk (NB | Future Fly / Severne Sails)
9th Nicolas Akgazciyan (FRA | JP / NeilPryde)
9th Antoine Albert (NC | Goya Windsurfing)

2024 Fuerte PWA WC Tag 8

02 08.2024
Fuerteventura liefert knallharte Slalom X Bedingungen, aber zwei bekannte Gesichter stehen am Ende des ersten Tages an der Spitze der Rangliste in Form von Sarah-Quita Offringa und Pierre Mortefon.
Die Entscheidung, den Slalom X am achten Tag des 2024 Fuerteventura PWA World Cups zu fahren, wurde mehr als gerechtfertigt, denn Sotavento bot die bisher härtesten Bedingungen des Events. Die ersten beiden Renntage waren relativ flach für Fuerteventura, aber heute begann eine neue, kurzzeitige Dünung durch den Kurs zu laufen. Diese Dünung in Kombination mit dem Kabbelwasser bedeutete, dass das Surfen in einer geraden Linie tückisch war, während das Halsen und der Versuch, über ein Hindernis zu springen, bei Windböen von über 40 Knoten am Abend gelinde gesagt schwierig war. Slalom X Women’s

Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins) was simply in a league of her own on the first day of Slalom X and the Aruban gem, who added world title No.23 to her name earlier in the week after winning the Freestyle, surely has one hand on world title No.24 after winning all five eliminations today, which means she boasts a perfect record of 2.8 points, while she currently discards a bullet. Even after starting Elimination 5 way off the pace, Offringa was still able to reel in Justine Lemeteyer (FMX Racing / S2Maui) by the exit of the third gybe to complete a perfect day.

Lemeteyer was the only sailor to put Offringa under any serious pressure, but even after pinging a perfectly timed start in Elimination 5, she couldn’t quite hold off Offringa as the Aruban gradually wore her down. Lemeteyer enjoyed a solid day though after recovering from an over early in the opening race by then recording three second places and a third, which sees her sat in second place in the overnight rankings, while also bringing her into the vice-world champion conversation as she is currently tied on 19,900 points with Marion Mortefon (PATRIK / PATRIK Sails) and Jenna Gibson (Duotone Windsurfing) in the overall ranking.

Mortefon trails Lemeteyer by just two points after recording a second and three third places, while she currently discards a seventh from Elimination 4. Gibson is then a further five points behind Lemeteyer. The Brit started well with a solid second place, but could then only muster seventh and eighth place finishes in the next two races, before finishing the day strongly again with a third and a fourth, which means if she can keep that run going, then she’ll have the potential to discard that seventh place once Elimination 7 is completed.

The top five is currently completed by Femke van der Veen (Starboard / Severne Sails), but Marine Hunter (Tribal Windsurfing) is only one point behind her in sixth, while Oda Brødholt (Starboard / Severne Sails) is just a point further back as well.

Elsewhere, 14-year-old Bobbi-Lynn de Jong (Starboard) deserves a shout out after managing to record a fifth and a sixth from the five races completed in such treacherous conditions and she looks to be a star for the future in the making.


Pierre Mortefon (FMX Racing / Phantom Sails) heads up the event rankings at the end of the first day of Slalom X after earning a bullet in the last race of the day, having started with a second and a fourth. When the conditions became really hardcore in Elimination 3, the Frenchman truly shone, just as he did in Pozo and he remains on course to secure the first ever Slalom X world title.

However, Mortefon isn’t simply going to have things his own way as Taty Frans (Future Fly / Point-7), who enjoyed a great day with a second and two third places from the opening three races, only trails Mortefon by 1.3 points. The Bonairean has long been wanting fin only slalom events and today he showed why by proving that he remains one of the best fin racers in the world.

Meanwhile, Matteo Iachino (Starboard / Severne Sails) recovered brilliantly from a semifinal exit in the first elimination to finish the day ranked third. The Italian was prominently placed entering the first gybe of the opening semifinal, but then nose dived to all but end his chances of qualifying. Iachino then secured a clinical bullet in the next race, before staging a great comeback in Elimination 3. The 34-year-old made a poor start, but still managed to blitz his way back into second place, which could yet have major implications, not only for the event title race, but for the world title race too, as he is Mortefon’s main danger. Iachino stands to gain the most from the completion of Elimination 4 as he could potentially discard the ninth place from the opener, which would put him in a powerful position to possibly challenge for pole position. Iachino openly admitted that the hardcore conditions, particularly in Elimination 3, are the essence of slalom for him and that was very evident today as he shone and he’ll be praying for similar conditions tomorrow.

Jordy Vonk (Duotone Windsurfing) produced a very consistent day of sailing as the 31-year-old qualified for all three winners’ finals without really landing a killer blow. From the three races completed the flying Dutchman recorded a third and sixth and a seventh, which sees him ranked fourth.

Besides, Mortefon, Frans and Vonk, Ingmar Daldorf (Tabou / GA Sails) is the only sailor to have qualified for every winners’ final, meaning he currently completes the top five. However, just 6 points separate him, Nico Prien (JP / NeilPryde), Lohan Jules (Future Fly / S2Maui) and Amado Vrieswijk (Future Fly / Severne Sails) - who currently occupy sixth, seventh and eighth.

Bruno Martini (JP / NeilPryde) consistently looked like one of the quickest sailors on the course throughout the day, so may be disappointed to have only booked his place in the top eight once. The Italian was leading the last semifinal, but went down hard on the speed run when clocking about 36 knots. Martini signed off the day by winning the b-final to secure ninth place, while he could gain some significant ground after the completion of Elimination 4 as he currently counts a sixteenth.

Another sailor who could benefit greatly from the discard is Maciek Rutkowski (NeilPryde). The Pole had looked well in tune with the conditions in the opening two races - which saw him earn a fourth and a sixth - but then suffered a surprise quarterfinal exit in Elimination 3, which sees him drop to tenth in the overnight rankings.

Cedric Bordes (Severne Sails) endured two massive crashes yesterday when foiling, but despite being in quite some pain, the Frenchman managed to put that to the back of his mind as he claimed a superb bullet in the opening race of the day. Bordes was under serious pressure from Mortefon the entire way round the course, but valiantly held him off to claim his first race victory in Slalom X. Unfortunately, things then went downhill after that with two quarterfinal exits, so he ends the opening day ranked 14th.

The forecast for Friday still looks solidly windy, but it is likely that is will be quite a bit less windy than today, which most sailors will probably breathe a sigh of relief about. WindGuru is currently predicting winds of 18-24 knots, so it is likely that we will see another day of Slalom X as Saturday looks lighter. The sailors will meet at 10am (GMT+1) for the skippers’ meeting with the action commencing from 11am onwards.

Current Ranking Fuerteventura PWA World Cup - Women’s Slalom X *After 5 Eliminations (1 Discard) 1st Sarah-Quita Offringa (ARU | Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins) 2nd Justine Lemeteyer (FRA | FMX Racing / S2Maui) 3rd Marion Mortefon (FRA | PATRIK / PATRIK Sails) 4th Jenna Gibson (GBR | Duotone Windsurfing) 5th Femke van der Veen (NED | Starboard / Severne Sails) Current Ranking Fuerteventura PWA World Cup - Men’s Slalom X
*After 3 Eliminations (1 Discard)

1st Pierre Mortefon (FRA | FMX Racing / Phantom Sails)
2nd Taty Frans (NB | Future Fly / Point-7)
3rd Matteo Iachino (ITA | Starboard / Severne Sails)
4th Jordy Vonk (NED | Duotone Windsurfing)
5th Ingmar Daldorf (NED | Tabou / GA Sails)
6th Nico Prien (GER | JP / NeilPryde)
7th Lohan Jules (FRA | Future Fly / S2Maui)
8th Amado Vrieswijk (NB | Future Fly / Severne Sails)
9th Bruno Martini (ITA | JP / NeilPryde)
10th Maciek Rutkowski (POL | NeilPryde)
Current Ranking Fuerteventura PWA World Cup - Women’s Foil Slalom
*After 9 Eliminations (2 Discards)

1st Justine Lemeteyer (FRA | FMX Racing / S2Maui)
2nd Marion Mortefon (FRA | PATRIK / PATRIK Sails / PATRIK Foils)
3rd Blanca Alabau (ESP | Starboard / Severne Sails)
4th Alisa Engelmann (GER | PATRIK / PATRIK Sails / PATRIK Foils)
5th Maya Morris (ISR | Future Fly)
Current Ranking Fuerteventura PWA World Cup - Men’s Foil Slalom
*After 5 Eliminations (1 Discard)

1st Daniele Benedetti (ITA | FMX Racing / Challenger Sails)
2nd Pierre Mortefon (FRA | Phantom / Phantom Sails | Phantom Foils)
3rd Matteo Iachino (ITA | Starboard / Severne Sails)
4th Enrico Marotti (CRO | JP / NeilPryde)
5th Alexis Mathis (FRA | Tabou / GA Sails)
6th Amado Vrieswijk (NB | Future Fly / Severne Sails / Z-Foils)
7th Michele Becker (GER | PATRIK / PATRIK Sails / PATRIK Foils)
8th Nico Prien (GER | JP / NeilPryde)
9th Thomas Goyard (FRA | PATRIK / PATRIK Sails / PATRIK Foils)
10th Jordy Vonk (NED | Duotone Windsurfing)
Result Fuerteventura PWA World Cup - Women’s Freestyle

1st Sarah-Quita Offringa (ARU | Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins)
2nd Oda Brødholt (NOR | Starboard / Severne Sails)
3rd Maaike Huvermann (NED | Severne / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins)
4th Lisa Kloster (GER | MB Boards / Sailloft Hamburg)
5th Elena Dominick (GER | Severne / Severne Sails)
6th Lina Schmied (AUT | GUNSAILS)
Result Fuerteventura PWA World Cup - Men’s Freestyle

1st Lennart Neubauer (GRE | Starboard / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins)
2nd Adrien Bosson (FRA | Duotone Windsurfing / Maui Ultra Fins)
3rd Yentel Caers (BEL | JP / NeilPryde)
4th Balz Müller (SUI | Severne / Severne Sails)
5th Sam Esteve (FRA | JP / NeilPryde)
6th Youp Schmit (NB | Tabou / GA Sails)
7th Jacopo Testa (ITA | WeOne / Point-7 / AL360)
7th Antony Ruenes (FRA | Tabou / GA Sails)
9th Steven Van Broeckhoven (BEL | Starboard / GUNSAILS)
9th Amado Vrieswijk (NB | Future Fly / Severne Sails)
9th Nicolas Akgazciyan (FRA | JP / NeilPryde)
9th Antoine Albert (NC | Goya Windsurfing)

2024 Fuerte PWA WC Tag 7

01 08.2024
Fuerte's berüchtigte Winde kehren mit Böen von bis zu 40 Knoten zurück und stellen die weltbesten Segler auf die Probe, während sie gleichzeitig für spannende Rennen sorgen
Am siebten Tag des 2024 Fuerteventura PWA World Cups kehrten die berüchtigten Winde von Fuerteventura zurück und sorgten für einen spannenden Renntag. Fünf Eliminations für die Damen und drei Eliminations für die Herren wurden bei Windböen von über 35 Knoten am Ende des Nachmittags ausgetragen. Am Ende des zweiten Renntages ist der Abstand zwischen den Führenden der Damen- und Herrenfleet im Foil-Slalom fast unüberwindbar, aber nach dem aktuellen Stand der Dinge führen Justine Lemeteyer (FMX Racing / S2Maui) und Daniele Benedetti (FMX Racing / Challenger Sails) die Übernacht-Rangliste an.

Foil Slalom Women’s

Justine Lemeteyer started the day behind overnight leader, Marion Mortefon (PATRIK / PATRIK Sails / PATRIK Foils) by 5.6 points, however, after a further 5 races today the reigning Slalom vice-world champion leapfrogs Mortefon to lead the event after sailing out of her skin today. Lemeteyer signed off yesterday by winning the last elimination of the day and she continued her rich vein of form today as she rattled off four bullets from the five races completed, while in Elimination 7 she did unbelievably well to fight her way back into third place, which could yet prove pivotal as if she had finished fourth, she wouldn’t currently be leading the event, such are the minuscule margins at the top of the rankings. Lemeteyer closes the day with a 0.3 of a point lead over Mortefon. Lemeteyer’s top speed was the real killer today, which she used to her maximum disposal, as she set a new personal best on the foil of 31 knots.

Mortefon was almost unstoppable on the opening day of racing and she sailed well again today, but she could’t quite get the better of Lemeteyer in the significantly stronger winds. The 33-year-old still recorded an excellent set of results today consisting of a bullet, three thirds and a fourth, which she currently discards - and there is very much all still to play for over the remaining days of the contest.

Mortefon and Lemeteyer have dominated the Foil Slalom thus far and it looks as though it will be a two horse race between them as Blanca Alabau (Starboard / Severne Sails), who is in a clear third place, is 10.2 points behind Morton and 10.5 points behind Lemeteyer. Alabau has been extremely consistent through the opening nine eliminations, only finishing outside the top three once, but hasn’t managed to land that killer bullet to keep herself in contention for the event title.

Elsewhere, Alisa Engelmann (PATRIK / PATRIK Sails / PATRIK Foils), who only started windsurfing two or three years ago, gains a few places from the overnight rankings, which sees the German rise from seventh to fourth in the overalls. Engelmann impressed with her gybing as she continually gained an advantage through the turns, while in her debut event, she never finished outside the top five today, while recording a second and a third place. The top five is currently completed by Maya Morris (Future Fly), but only one point separates the Israeli and Jenna Gibson (Duotone Windsurfing / F4 Foils), who enjoyed a much better second day.

Men’s Mover of the Day

Pierre Mortefon (Phantom / Phantom Sails / Phantom Foils) started the day ranked just outside of the overall top ten - 11th - after an indifferent start in yesterday’s lighter winds, but the Frenchman hit back with a vengeance today to gain nine places from the overnight rankings, which sees the 35-year-old finish the day tied on 9.4 points with overnight leader - Daniele Benedetti (FMX Racing / Challenger Sails).

Mortefon rattled off back-to-back bullets in Elimination 3 and 4 - the second of which required a textbook gybe at the last to deny Alexis Mathis (Tabou / GA Sails) a maiden bullet - to briefly lead the event by 2.3 points, but Benedetti was able to strike back to regain the event lead on countback after the Italian claimed his second bullet of the event in Elimination 5 to keep himself on track to challenge for a maiden event victory on the World Tour. Benedetti is also now the only sailor to be able to boast a 100% qualifying record for winners’ finals!

However, fellow Italian, Matteo Iachino (Starboard / Severne Sails), is right on the heels of the top two, and just 1.3 points separate himself, Benedetti and Mortefon at the close of proceedings, so there is all still to play for. Iachino is able to discard an eleventh place from yesterday’s second elimination after recording an extremely consistent set of results today with a second and two fourth places.

Like Mortefon, Enrico Marotti (JP / NeilPryde) endured a topsy turvy day yesterday, but the Croatian bounced back today to rise from twelfth into fourth place after qualifying for every winners’ final on the second day of racing. However, things could’ve been even better for Marotti as he led the fourth elimination heading into the first gybe, but unfortunately breached the fin, which saw him eventually finish sixth in that particular race, while he crashed over the start line in the winners’ final of Elimination 5.

Alexis Mathis is another sailor to have shot up the rankings at the end of the second day of racing. The Frenchman started the day in fourteenth, but he flies into fifth place after the completion of Elimination 5. As previously mentioned, the 22-year-old, was on the verge of securing a maiden bullet on the World Tour only to be denied by Mortefon at the last.

Having started the day in third place, Amado Vrieswijk (Future Fly / Severne Sails / Z-Foils) - slips three places to sixth. The Bonairean completed a hat-trick of sorts he probably didn’t particularly desire as he won three b-finals in a row to secure ninth place in Eliminations 2-4, which is no mean feat, but having started to the event so strongly, and last year, he would’ve certainly held higher aspirations. The 30-year-old qualified for his second winners’ final of the week in Elimination 5, but realistically he now only harbours outside hopes of a podium finish here.

Like Vrieswijk, Michele Becker (PATRIK / PATRIK Sails / PATRIK Foils) loses a bit of ground from the overnight rankings - 6th to 8th. The German has qualified for the top eight on four out of five occasions thus far as he continues to show remarkable consistency, however, the German, who is renowned for his excellent gybing, dropped off the foil at crucial moments today, which cost him on a couple of occasions.

The top ten is currently completed by; Nico Prien (JP / NeilPryde), who rises from 16th to eighth, Thomas Goyard (PATRIK / PATRIK Sails / PATRIK Foils), who moves into the top 10 - 9th - after qualifying for two winners’ finals today, while winning the b-final in Elimination 5, and Jordy Vonk (Duotone Windsurfing), who slides five places from fifth to tenth.

Unfortunately, yesterday’s high flyers, Noah Vinther (JP / NeilPryde) and Fabian Wolf (Starboard / Severne Sails), who started proceedings in second and eighth place, both lose their place in the current top ten - finishing the day ranked 13th and 12th respectively - as the usual suspects start to make their greater consistency count and steadily rise up the rankings.

The forecast for Thursday looks the windiest of the remaining three days of the event, so it’s highly likely that we will see Foil Slalom replaced by the fins with Slalom X, however, that result will be made in the morning. The sailors will meet again at 10am (GMT+1) tomorrow morning with a first possible start at 11am.

Current Ranking Fuerteventura PWA World Cup - Women’s Foil Slalom
*After 9 Eliminations (2 Discards)

1st Justine Lemeteyer (FRA | FMX Racing / S2Maui)
2nd Marion Mortefon (FRA | PATRIK / PATRIK Sails / PATRIK Foils)
3rd Blanca Alabau (ESP | Starboard / Severne Sails)
4th Alisa Engelmann (GER | PATRIK / PATRIK Sails / PATRIK Foils)
5th Maya Morris (ISR | Future Fly) Current Ranking Fuerteventura PWA World Cup - Men’s Foil Slalom
*After 5 Eliminations (1 Discard)

1st Daniele Benedetti (ITA | FMX Racing / Challenger Sails)
2nd Pierre Mortefon (FRA | Phantom / Phantom Sails | Phantom Foils)
3rd Matteo Iachino (ITA | Starboard / Severne Sails)
4th Enrico Marotti (CRO | JP / NeilPryde)
5th Alexis Mathis (FRA | Tabou / GA Sails)
6th Amado Vrieswijk (NB | Future Fly / Severne Sails / Z-Foils)
7th Michele Becker (GER | PATRIK / PATRIK Sails / PATRIK Foils)
8th Nico Prien (GER | JP / NeilPryde)
9th Thomas Goyard (FRA | PATRIK / PATRIK Sails / PATRIK Foils)
10th Jordy Vonk (NED | Duotone Windsurfing)
Result Fuerteventura PWA World Cup - Women’s Freestyle

1st Sarah-Quita Offringa (ARU | Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins)
2nd Oda Brødholt (NOR | Starboard / Severne Sails)
3rd Maaike Huvermann (NED | Severne / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins)
4th Lisa Kloster (GER | MB Boards / Sailloft Hamburg)
5th Elena Dominick (GER | Severne / Severne Sails)
6th Lina Schmied (AUT | GUNSAILS)
Result Fuerteventura PWA World Cup - Men’s Freestyle

1st Lennart Neubauer (GRE | Starboard / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins)
2nd Adrien Bosson (FRA | Duotone Windsurfing / Maui Ultra Fins)
3rd Yentel Caers (BEL | JP / NeilPryde)
4th Balz Müller (SUI | Severne / Severne Sails)
5th Sam Esteve (FRA | JP / NeilPryde)
6th Youp Schmit (NB | Tabou / GA Sails)
7th Jacopo Testa (ITA | WeOne / Point-7 / AL360)
7th Antony Ruenes (FRA | Tabou / GA Sails)
9th Steven Van Broeckhoven (BEL | Starboard / GUNSAILS)
9th Amado Vrieswijk (NB | Future Fly / Severne Sails)
9th Nicolas Akgazciyan (FRA | JP / NeilPryde)
9th Antoine Albert (NC | Goya Windsurfing)

2024 Fuerte PWA WC Tag 6

31 07.2024
Marion Mortefon & Daniele Benedetti führen die Rangliste des Events an, nachdem der Großteil der Fleet durcheinander gewirbelt wurde.
Marion Mortefon & Daniele Benedetti führen die Rangliste des Events an, nachdem der Großteil der Fleet durcheinander gewirbelt wurde. Der sechste Tag des 2024 Fuerteventura PWA World Cups erwies sich als ein weiterer „Slow Burner“, da der Wind kurz vor dem ursprünglich geplanten Start um die Mittagszeit abflaute, was zu einer mehrstündigen Verzögerung führte, bis die Brise mit 8-15 Knoten zurückkehrte. Nach Beendigung des ersten Männerrennens und der ersten beiden Frauenrennen nahm der Wind wieder ab, und es sah so aus, als ob es das für diesen Tag gewesen wäre, aber die Brise kehrte bald zurück und sorgte für die besten Rennbedingungen des Tages mit rund 20 Knoten Wind. Am Ende des ersten Tages führen Marion Mortefon (PATRIK / PATRIK Sails / PATRIK Foils) und Daniele Benedetti (FMX Racing / Challenger Sails) die Rangliste des Events an.

Foil Slalom Women’s

Marion Mortefon enjoyed a near perfect opening day as the former two-time world champion made a flying to proceedings by rattling off a superb hat-trick before finishing second in the fourth elimination - which she currently discards. Mortefon looks in ominous form as it looked as though she has a bit of extra speed up her sleeve when required. The 32-year-old ends the day with a clear lead as she currently counts a perfect score of 2.1 points.

Justine Lemeteyer (FMX Racing / S2Maui) is currently Mortefon’s closest rival on 7.7 points and you could see how much it meant to her that she claimed the final bullet of the day to keep herself in contention. The current vice-world champion started off strongly with a solid second place, but then recorded a fifth and eleventh to find herself in a spot of bother. That bullet could yet prove pivotal later on in the week.

Reigning world champion - Blanca Alabau (Starboard / Severne Sails) - was extremely consistent in the opening four eliminations with a second and a three third places, which sees her just 0.3 points behind Lemeteyer. Alabau was involved in a fierce battle for second place with Mortefon in Elimination 4, which saw the Spaniard produce a miraculous gybe at the third buoy through an almost non-existent gap, but Mortefon still prevailed as she stepped on the gas to close the door on Alabau.

Maya Morris (Future Fly) hasn’t experienced the easiest preparation leading into her debut on the World Tour after her equipment failed to arrive, but even so, she has made a bright start which sees her ranked fourth after the opening day.

Meanwhile, Bobbi-Lynn de Jong (Starboard / NeilPryde) completes the current top five, which is quite remarkable given the fact that she is just 14-years-old. The Bonairean’s best results today included a fifth in the opener before signing off with a fourth place.


Daniele Benedetti (FMX Racing / Challenger Sails) finished last season by earning his maiden podium on the World Tour in Japan, and he hit the water flying today, so much so, that the Italian tops the rankings at the close of play. Benedetti looked in the zone throughout after opening his account with an excellent third place before going on to claim his second bullet on the World Tour in the second elimination, which means he holds a 5.3 point advantage at the top of the rankings.

Noah Vinther (PATRIK / PATRIK Sails / PATRIK Foils) may have only made his debut on the World Tour last year, but the 20-year-old has quickly adapted to life on tour after claiming an impressive third and a sixth place today, which means he is currently ranked second in the overnight rankings.

Amado Vrieswijk (Future Fly / Severne Sails / Z-Foils) completes the current top three after the opening couple of races. In the opening winners’ final, Vrieswijk was involved in an intense battle against Matteo Iachino (Starboard / Severne Sails), which saw the lead change hands on multiple occasions. Eventually, Vrieswijk settled for second place in the opener, before the vice-world champion, who has won the last two events on the World Tour, got caught up in a racing altercation at the first mark in Elimination 2, which ultimately resulted in him being eliminated. Vrieswijk was still able to win the b-final for maximum damage control.Reigning world champion, Matteo Iachino, made the perfect start to his defence campaign as he gained the upper hand against Vrieswijk in Elimination 1 to secure the opening bullet of the season. At that point, it looked like the Iachino had a speed advantage as he seemingly waited to pick his moment to pass Vrieswijk. However, after a perfect first elimination, Iachino then missed out on the winners’ final of the next race after getting re-hooked in during the opening gybe, which left him with a deficit he couldn’t quite recover from as he missed out on a place in the top eight, after finishing in fifth. Iachino ends the day ranked in fourth, just 0.7 of a point behind Vrieswijk and two points behind Vinther.

Elsewhere, Jordy Vonk (Duotone Windsurfing) also qualified for one winners’ final and missed out on the other, which sees the 31-year-old ranked fifth at the end of day one, tied on 16 points with Michele Becker (PATRIK / PATRIK Sails / PATRIK Foils), who asides from Benedetti and Vinther, is the only other sailor who boats a 100% qualifying record for the top eight - even after just the first two eliminations on what was quite a topsy turvy day for quite a few sailors.

The top ten is currently completed by Fabian Wolf (Starboard / Severne Sails) - 7th- who recorded a 13th and a seventh - Cedric Bordes (Severne Windsurfing) - 8th - who recovered from a quarterfinal exit in the first by finishing fourth in the next, William Huppert and Scotty Stallman (Tabou / GA Sails / F4 Foils), who finish ninth and tenth respectively after both recording two top sixteen results.

To further illustrate the topsy turvy nature of the day, Pierre Mortefon (Phantom / Phantom Sails / Phantom Foils) started the day with a solid fifth before suffering a quarterfinal exit, while Enrico Marotti (JP / NeilPryde) went from being dumped out in the quarterfinals of the opener before bouncing back with a second place in Elimination 2 to steady the ship, while Alexis Mathis (Tabou / GA Sails) and Nico Prien (JP / NeilPryde) also qualified for the second winners’ final, where they finished fifth and sixth, to both bounce back from quarterfinal exits in Elimination 1. At the close of play, the quartet find themselves ranked 11th, 12th, 14th, and 16th respectively.

Maciek Rutkowski (NeilPryde) didn’t enjoy much luck on the opening day as he was knocked out in the semifinal of Elimination 1, followed by the quarterfinals of the next, when prominently placed in both due to other sailors hampering him through gybes, which cost him dearly on both occasions. The Pole was still able win the b-final of Elimination 1, but finds himself ranked fifteenth at the end of day one and is under immediate pressure if still wants to try and earn a top result.

The forecast for tomorrow looks much more promising than today with the prospect of stronger winds on the horizon. The racers will meet again tomorrow morning at 10am (GMT+1) with a first possible start at 11am.

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Current Ranking Fuerteventura PWA World Cup - Women’s Foil Slalom
*After 4 Eliminations (1 Discard)

1st Marion Mortefon (FRA | PATRIK / PATRIK Sails / PATRIK Foils)
2nd Justine Lemeteyer (FRA | FMX Racing / S2Maui)
3rd Blanca Alabau (ESP | Starboard / Severne Sails)
4th Maya Morris (ISR | Future Fly)
5th Bobbi-Lynn De Jong (NB | Starboard / NeilPryde)
Current Ranking Fuerteventura PWA World Cup - Men’s Foil Slalom
*After 2 Eliminations

1st Daniele Benedetti (ITA | FMX Racing / Challenger Sails)
2nd Noah Vinther (DEN | PATRIK / PATRIK Sails / PATRIK Foils)
3rd Amado Vrieswijk (NB | Future Fly / Severne Sails)
4th Matteo Iachino (ITA | Starboard / Severne Sails)
5th Jordy Vonk (NED | Duotone Windsurfing)
6th Michele Becker (GER | PATRIK / PATRIK Sails / PATRIK Foils)
7th Fabian Wolf (GER | Starboard / Severne Sails)
8th Cedric Bordes (FRA | Severne Sails)
9th William Huppert (FRA)
10th Scotty Stallman (GBR | Tabou / GA Sails / F4 Foils)
Result Fuerteventura PWA World Cup - Women’s Freestyle

1st Sarah-Quita Offringa (ARU | Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins)
2nd Oda Brødholt (NOR | Starboard / Severne Sails)
3rd Maaike Huvermann (NED | Severne / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins)
4th Lisa Kloster (GER | MB Boards / Sailloft Hamburg)
5th Elena Dominick (GER | Severne / Severne Sails)
6th Lina Schmied (AUT | GUNSAILS)
Result Fuerteventura PWA World Cup - Men’s Freestyle

1st Lennart Neubauer (GRE | Starboard / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins)
2nd Adrien Bosson (FRA | Duotone Windsurfing / Maui Ultra Fins)
3rd Yentel Caers (BEL | JP / NeilPryde)
4th Balz Müller (SUI | Severne / Severne Sails)
5th Sam Esteve (FRA | JP / NeilPryde)
6th Youp Schmit (NB | Tabou / GA Sails)
7th Jacopo Testa (ITA | WeOne / Point-7 / AL360)
7th Antony Ruenes (FRA | Tabou / GA Sails)
9th Steven Van Broeckhoven (BEL | Starboard / GUNSAILS)
9th Amado Vrieswijk (NB | Future Fly / Severne Sails)
9th Nicolas Akgazciyan (FRA | JP / NeilPryde)
9th Antoine Albert (NC | Goya Windsurfing)

2024 Fuerte PWA WC Tag 4

29 07.2024
Sarah-Quita Offringa verteidigt erfolgreich ihren Titel in der Single Elimination und wird zum unglaublichen 15. Mal Freestyle-Weltmeisterin, während Lennart Neubauer durch das Double zurückkommt und das Rennen um den Weltmeistertitel bei den Männern anführt.
Der vorletzte Freestyle-Tag des 2024 Fuerteventura PWA World Cups begann mit einem etwas bizarren Start: Der Regen von gestern Abend hielt bis in den Morgen an, was zu dieser Jahreszeit sehr ungewöhnlich ist, und das bedeutete, dass der Wind, ähnlich wie am Samstag, anfangs leicht und unbeständig war. Erst am Nachmittag frischte der Wind endlich auf - wenn auch schwächer als an den ersten drei Tagen -, so dass die Double-Eliminationen der Damen und Herren beendet werden konnten.

On the opening day, the competitors were left running for their smallest equipment as nuking winds and choppy waters greeted them, while to conclude this year’s contest they were left searching for their biggest gear, which provided a thorough all-round test of their freestyle abilities.

Freestyle Women’s

Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins) finishes the fourth day of the 2024 Fuerteventura PWA World Cup with another world title to her name as the Aruban gem secured an incredible 15th Freestyle world crown - and 23rd overall - after producing a blend of sliding and power moves to see off the challenge of Oda Brødholt (Starboard / Severne Sails) in the final.

Things could yet get even better for Offringa as she will be vying for world title No.24 from day six onwards here as the 33-year-old will be also be competing in Slalom X and as things stand she leads the world title race having won the opener in Gran Canaria earlier this month.

Having produced a superb display against Maaike Huvermann (Severne / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins) in Heat 34, Brødholt ensured that she would finish 2024 as the vice-world champion at worst as she successfully defended her second place from the single elimination. The Norwegian was understandably delighted upon hearing the news that she had secured her place in the overall top two for the first time since 2015, while it also vindicated her decision to warm up for the event in Dakhla, Morocco, beforehand. Against her nemesis, Brødholt shone as she produced a powerful display of sailing to deservedly gain the upper hand after landing a mixture of shakas, culos, air funnels and a regular kono.

Having finished fourth in the single elimination, Huvermann battled back to secure her place on the prestigious event and overall podium after firstly bringing Elena Dominick’s (Severne / Severne Sails) come back to an end, before exacting revenge against Lisa Kloster (MB Boards / Sailloft Hamburg) to advance into the top three. The 26-year-old looked more comfortable in the slightly lighter and flatter conditions as she consistently landed a combination of flakas, shakas and funnels on both tacks.

Lisa Kloster may have just been denied a maiden podium, but it’s clear she has made another marked step up in her sailing performance over the last year and she is now a genuine podium contender moving forwards.


Lennart Neubauer (Starboard / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins) had arguably been the stand out rider in the single elimination as the only sailor to have broken the 40 point barrier, and ultimately, the 20-year-old managed to completed a brilliant comeback to win the opening Freestyle event of the season, while claiming back-to-back victories on the World Tour having also won in Sylt at the end of last year. Neubauer looked equally as comfortable in the light winds as he did the nuking winds, so it seems the sky really is the limit for him and he no doubt has his sights set on capturing a maiden world title come the end of the year.

That’s not saying that that’s going to be easy though as the newly crowned champion of Fuerteventura was pushed all the way in the double elimination. Firstly by reigning world champion - Yentel Caers (JP / NeilPryde) - and then by Adrien Bosson (Duotone Windsurfing / Maui Ultra Fins) in the Super Final, both of which Neubauer would ultimately win by about a point, but crucially when he needed it, as he did against Caers, he produced the goods to crucially find a way to win.

Bosson starts the year with a second place, but he was right on the cusp of securing a great victory. The Frenchman wasn’t at his best during the opening final, but in the super final, the 2022 world champion really upped his game and only missed out on the top spot on the podium due to Neubauer landing a late double culo and kabikuchi.

Caers, meanwhile, missed out by the same narrow fate as he lost out on 35.1 points compared to 36.1 points - such is the closeness in performance level between the very top guys. The margins are so fine, that even if a move is anything but textbook, that it could prove to be the difference to be advancing or ultimately being eliminated. Third place probably doesn’t represent the start the reigning world champion would have envisaged to his campaign, but such are the fine margins, that he’ll remain more than in contention heading into Sylt.

Balz Müller (Severne / Severne Sails) secures his best result to date on the World Tour after climbing through the double elimination into fourth place. On his way to fourth, Müller landed numerous trademark cheese rolls into flakas - a move he invented - to take down Youp Schmit (Tabou / GA Sails) and Sam Esteve (JP / NeilPryde), before his good friend, Caers, proved a step too far. Müller really resonates the essence of what freestyle truly stands for and deservedly walks away with his best result to date.

With the double eliminations concluded with a day to spare that means that tomorrow will see a super session if the conditions are suitable. A skippers’ meeting will be held at 13:00 with a first possible start at 13:30.

Result Fuerteventura PWA World Cup - Women’s Freestyle

1st Sarah-Quita Offringa (ARU | Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins)
2nd Oda Brødholt (NOR | Starboard / Severne Sails)
3rd Maaike Huvermann (NED | Severne / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins)
4th Lisa Kloster (GER | MB Boards / Sailloft Hamburg)
5th Elena Dominick (GER | Severne / Severne Sails)
6th Lina Schmied (AUT | GUNSAILS)
Result Fuerteventura PWA World Cup - Men’s Freestyle

1st Lennart Neubauer (GRE | Starboard / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins)
2nd Adrien Bosson (FRA | Duotone Windsurfing / Maui Ultra Fins)
3rd Yentel Caers (BEL | JP / NeilPryde)
4th Balz Müller (SUI | Severne / Severne Sails)
5th Sam Esteve (FRA | JP / NeilPryde)
6th Youp Schmit (NB | Tabou / GA Sails)
7th Jacopo Testa (ITA | WeOne / Point-7 / AL360)
7th Antony Ruenes (FRA | Tabou / GA Sails)
9th Steven Van Broeckhoven (BEL | Starboard / GUNSAILS)
9th Amado Vrieswijk (NB | Future Fly / Severne Sails)
9th Nicolas Akgazciyan (FRA | JP / NeilPryde)
9th Antoine Albert (NC | Goya Windsurfing)