Cabo Verde PWA Tag 9

Bernd Roediger verteidigt erfolgreich die Single Elimination und feiert seinen ersten Sieg auf der World Tour

Nachdem die Vorhersage für das Wochenende, an dem die Erwartungen unglaublich hoch waren, nicht eintraf, sah es so aus, als könnten wir die Double Elimination des 2022 SOMWR 10x Cabo Verde PWA World Cups nicht beenden. Nachdem jedoch ein Check am frühen Morgen ergab, dass Ponta Preta flach war, wurde die Entscheidung getroffen, den Contest nach Little Ho'okipa zu verlegen. Diese Entscheidung machte sich bezahlt, denn die Double Elimination wurde am letzten Tag mit weniger als einer Stunde Tageslicht beendet. Little Ho'okipa bot einen ganz anderen Charakter als Ponta Preta, aber am Ende setzte sich derselbe Mann durch: Bernd Roediger (Flikka / Hot Sails Maui / Black Project) verteidigte erfolgreich seinen ersten Platz aus der Single Elimination und holte sich seinen ersten Sieg auf der World Tour. Double Elimination Marcilio Browne (Goya Windsurfing) finally brought Camille Juban’s (AV Boards / S2Maui) epic comeback to an end to setup a final against - Bernd Roediger. If the Brazilian was going to come back and win the event then he would be required to beat Roediger twice with this being the Double Elimination. However, Roediger wasn’t in the mood for letting this opportunity slip through his hands and he soon put the contest to bed with an accomplished display. The victory here was made all the more impressive due to the final being sailed in completely different conditions to the Single Elimination as the 25-year-old showed he is an extremely well rounded sailor, who is capable of beating the best sailors in the world, whether it be in pumping down-the-line at Ponta Preta, or 3 foot choppy Little Ho’okipa. Browne was one of the favourites for the event title and he proved why over the last 9 days. The Brazilian just misses out on making the perfect start to the season, but he can be delighted with his efforts here, which ensures he gets his latest world title challenge off to an excellent start and now has the perfect platform to build upon as the season progresses.  The comeback story of the Double Elimination belongs to - Camille Juban (AV Boards / S2Maui) - after the 31-year-old went on a tear to force his way on to the podium after a quite brilliant display of sailing, which saw him win 7 heats on the bounce.  Elsewhere, Thomas Traversa (Tabou / GA Sails) and Antoine Martin (Starboard / North Sails) both drop one place from the Single Elimination to 4th and 5th respectively. Takara Ishii (RRD / RRD Sails) was another sailor to make a surging comeback through the Double Elimination and the 21-year-old will be absolutely delighted with his efforts today after advancing through 5 consecutive heats to earn his best result to date on the World Tour - 6th. The event couldn’t have started much worse for - Victor Fernandez (Fanatic / Duotone / SWOX) - after the Spaniard was knocked out in the opening round of the Single Elimination. However, in true champion fashion the 3-time world champion turned things around in the Double Elimination and eventually managed to recover into 7th place.  Like Takara Ishii, Takuma Sugi (Tabou / GA Sails / Black Project), also walks away from Cabo Verde with his best result to date on the World Tour - 8th - and both of these young Japanese rippers look like the real deal with bright futures ahead of them. The top 10 is completed by local legend - Josh Angulo (Angulo) and Ricardo Campello (Naish / Naish Sails) - but we’ll take more of a look through the rankings in the Event Summary. Today though belongs to Bernd Roediger after claiming a quite magnificent victory. Congratulations once again. To stay up to date with all the latest developments from Cabo Verde — including the live stream, elimination ladders, entry list, images and live ticker simply click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page. Result 2022 SOMWR 10x Cabo Verde PWA World Cup - Men’s Wave 1st Bernd Roediger (USA | Flikka / Hot Sails Maui / Black Project)
2nd Marcilio Browne (BRA | Goya Windsurfing)
3rd Camille Juban (GPE | AV Boards / S2Maui)
4th Thomas Traversa (FRA | Tabou / GA Sails)
5th Antoine Martin (FRA | Starboard / North Sails)
6th Takara Ishii (JPN | RRD / RRD Sails)
7th Victor Fernandez (ESP | Fanatic / Duotone / SWOX)
8th Takuma Sugi (JPN | Tabou / GA Sails / Black Project)
9th Josh Angulo (CV | Angulo)
9th Ricardo Campello (VEN/BRA | Naish / Naish Sails)