PWA Kalender - Update -

Vor kurzem wurde der vorläufige Tourkalender der PWA veröffentlicht, nun gibt es bereits Änderungen.

Die gute Nachricht zuerst, die von einigen Fahrern kritisierte Überschneidung des PWA Worldcups in Korea mit einem Lauf der 2014 Formula Windsurfing World Championships hat die PWA zum Anlass genommen den PWA Event in Korea zu verschieben. Der Event findet nun vom 10. bis 16. Mai statt, das ermöglicht den Fahrern, die sowohl im PWA Slalom als auch bei den  Formula Worlds starten,  die Teilnahme an beiden Veranstaltungen.
Leider eine schlechte Nachricht für die Freestyler - der PWA Event in Podersdorf fällt aus. Laut der Pressemitteilung der PWA haben die Sponsoren der Veranstaltung in Podersdorf auf die Organisatoren eingewirkt, um anstelle des PWA Windsurf-Freestyle-Events einen Kite-Racing-Event durchzuführen.
Hier die Pressemittelung der PWA im Original:
Dear Sailors
As some of you are aware, the 2014 Formula Windsurfing World Championships are scheduled for dates that clash with the longstanding Ulsan PWA World Cup in Korea. Although the Korean event has run on roughly the same dates for the last 6 years, and despite the fact that the FW Class were informed of the dates for Korea in May of last year, no action was taken by the FW Class to avoid the clash. The reasons for this are unclear, but after some intensive discussion and with the generous assistance of UBC and Ulsan City – our event partners in Korea – we have been able to move the Korean event back by one week and it will now take place from the 10th – 16th May 2014, allowing sailors that wish to, to participate in the Formula Worlds and the PWA Event.

Unfortunately, despite confirmation and prior assurances to the contrary, we have been informed by the organisers of the Austria event that there will not be a PWA contest at Podersdorf this year. The organisers are citing overwhelming pressure from the event sponsors to change to a Kite Racing event. This is a sad loss to the Freestyle tour for 2014 although it will be offset by the addition of Margarita and Bonaire which will bring a whole new dimension to the calendar.

Further updates will follow as news becomes available.

Kind regards.